Public invited to Win-E-Mac 4th Grade Wax Museum Event 

Public invited to Win-E-Mac 4th Grade Wax Museum Event 

May 16, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Win-E-Mac 4th Grade class will be hosting a Wax Museum fundraiser event this Friday. Win-E-Mac 4th grade teacher Ross Roragen explains what this event is and how it works. 

Roragen says this event has a long history at Win-E-Mac and that all the funds raised from the event will go to local charities. 

Roragen says the historical figures included can range from Abraham Lincoln to Caitlin Clark. 

 Again that Friday, May 17 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM  at the Win-E-Mac School Arts and Events Center. All are welcome to attend.