September is suicide awareness month

September is suicide awareness month

September 17, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

September is suicide awareness months, and Alluma is encouraging you to take the time, and be aware of the signs of suicide, so that you can be vigilant of the signs in those around you. Nellie Artmann of Alluma shares some signs that people thinking of suicide may be expressing. 

If you do notice some of these signs in someone you know, Artmann also shared how you could approach the person. 

Artmann says that Alluma also offers many services across the region, to help those dealing with suicide and mental health issues. 

Finally Artmann shared a message for those listening who may be dealing with mental health issues, or thoughts of suicide. 

Alluma has clinic locations in Crookston, Ada, and East Grand Forks, and serves the counties of Kittson, Polk, Roseau, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Red Lake, and Mahnomen. People dealing with mental health issues are encouraged to reach out.