Shelly Fire Department “Fired Up” for this Weekend’s Shelly Days

Shelly, MN — The Shelly Fire Department will once again have an active role in this weekend’s Shelly Days & 125th Anniversary Celebration, including hosting a pulled pork supper, street dance, raffles, and even water wars. The water wars are scheduled from 11:30am in the City Park and Shelly Fire Chief David Swenson says they are hoping other fire departments will rise up to the challenge.
From 5-7pm, the Shelly firemen will be hosting a pulled pork dinner at the fire hall that includes coleslaw, cheesy potatoes, beans, and ice cream, followed by a street dance featuring the music of Uptown from 8 to Midnight. During that street dance they will also be announcing the winners of their gun and cash raffles. Swenson says tickets are still available.
Gun raffle tickets are $20 and the cash/prize raffle tickets are $5. Swenson says the money raised from the raffles and pulled pork dinner goes towards supporting the equipment needs of the fire department.
R & J News will have live updates from Shelly Days this Saturday.