Suda Presides Over Final Regular School Board Meeting

Suda Presides Over Final Regular School Board Meeting

June 14, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Hillsboro Public School Board met in regular session Thursday morning.

Athletic Director, Dave Nelson, informed the board that officiating expenses would likely increase for the next school year by 20-25%. Nelson and the board also discussed how the district pays officials. Following that discussion, the board approved seeking out a contract with ArbiterPay to help transition the district from conventional paychecks to a digital payment system.

In other administrative reports, principals Terry Baesler and Jon Dryburgh made a formal presentation on student testing results. The results, while mixed, were mainly positive. R & J News will have a separate story on those results next week. Former Hillsboro student, Simon Mau, also presented on his experience in E-Sports at UND.

Outgoing Superintendent, Paula Suda, also gave her final administrative report in a regular school board meeting. Suda tells R & J News one of her favorite stories from her time in Hillsboro schools.

Suda says she feels the district is ready for the next era in leadership.

Suda will be on hand during the district’s school board canvassing later this month. Action items approved included: network upgrades at the elementary; various staffing, teacher, and coaching resignations and hires; and new science curriculum. The board also tabled action on the annual audit to their next regular meeting, which will be July 11th at 8am in the high school library.