Tag: International Falls

Pumpkin Medallion Clue #2 Tuesday

There wasn’t much to go on with yesterday’s clue. But now it’s time to put on your medallion hunting shoes. Where could I be? Look within town limits and you will find me.

October 24, 2023 0

Pumpkin Medallion Clue #1 Monday

This weeks clues are brought to you by Boondocks Bar and Grill Finding the medallion this week will be quite a thrill. Last year’s medallion was hidden at their campground. But this year that is NOT where it will be found.

October 23, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 4

I have letters and numbers but I’m not a computer keyboardI’m sometimes stored in a case but I’m not a cellphoneI contain paper but I’m not a ring binderI have a cover but I’m not a pillowI have a spine but I don’t have any bonesif you still don’t know you could ask a librarian.

October 13, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 4

From the time I’ve been around, I’ve heardit all. Fall and Winter provide best formy walls. I know you know cuz you’ve seen meclose. If you need to know, well I know the most.

October 12, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 4

Things are always changingI’ve changed and will always do so,I’m outside a building that has the most stories.More than one, and more than 2 telling you more,would make me sorry.

October 11, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 4

I’m always here day or night, I canprovide you excitement even at night.You can take from me, I don’t mind andbring your friends that would be kind.

October 10, 2023 0