Pumpkin Medallion Clue #2 Tuesday
There wasn’t much to go on with yesterday’s clue. But now it’s time to put on your medallion hunting shoes. Where could I be? Look within town limits and you will find me.
There wasn’t much to go on with yesterday’s clue. But now it’s time to put on your medallion hunting shoes. Where could I be? Look within town limits and you will find me.
This weeks clues are brought to you by Boondocks Bar and Grill Finding the medallion this week will be quite a thrill. Last year’s medallion was hidden at their campground. But this year that is NOT where it will be found.
I have letters and numbers but I’m not a computer keyboardI’m sometimes stored in a case but I’m not a cellphoneI contain paper but I’m not a ring binderI have a cover but I’m not a pillowI have a spine but I don’t have any bonesif you still don’t know you could ask a librarian.
From the time I’ve been around, I’ve heardit all. Fall and Winter provide best formy walls. I know you know cuz you’ve seen meclose. If you need to know, well I know the most.
Things are always changingI’ve changed and will always do so,I’m outside a building that has the most stories.More than one, and more than 2 telling you more,would make me sorry.
I’m always here day or night, I canprovide you excitement even at night.You can take from me, I don’t mind andbring your friends that would be kind.