Tag: International Falls

Great Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 4

Hickory dickory dock.The mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck one,The mouse ran down,Hickory dickory dock.

October 9, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Week 3

***The Pumpkin Medallion has been found. Congrats to Tricia Whirley*** Here is what todays clue would have been. Clue 5These clues have been hard, there’s no denying that,It’s time to tell you where’s its at.It’s between Green Larson and Riverwood Bank, in front of the internetplace,in what we will call a huge potted vase.

October 6, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Week 3

Clue 4Did yesterday’s math problem point you to the correct street?Hopefully today’s clue won’t be as discreet.It’s not on the ground, but it’s not up high….but lightning-fast internet may catch your eye.You can find the medallion surrounded by beauty, with fall colors allaround,We sure hope it can be found.

October 5, 2023 0

Great Pumpkin Medallion Week 3

Clue 3It’s time for some math with this clue as you hunt…But we will not make this hint so blatantly blunt.Get your calculators out….then go roaming about.Three times five minus 44 divided by 4

October 5, 2023 0

Pumpkin Medallion Week 3

Clue 2We hope you popped into Ronning’s with yesterday’s clue,And we hope since you didn’t find the medallion you’re not feelingblue.It is located on a street, not on an avenue.If you find it in the morning, it could be covered in dew.

October 3, 2023 0

Pumpkin Medallion Hunt Week 3

Clue 1This week’s clues are brought to you by Ronning’s, located downtown.Shop in their store to find fall items, in colors including brown.One thing you must know as you shop the store’s floors,the medallion is not located outside of Ronning’s doors.Disclaimer: The medallion will never be hidden inside a store or privateproperty… now that you’ve…
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October 2, 2023 0

Pumpkin Medallion Week 2

Day 5 The Great Pumpkin Medallion has managed to stay in its place The last clue I give you will end the race There’s ä pair of diamonds named after 2 greats ones Their love for baseball was rivaled by none Two Rogers who just loved the game of ball Their dedication to the sport…
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September 29, 2023 0

Pumpkin Medallion Week 2

Day 4 I hope the leaves are crunchy and the weather is pretty As you tour the sports fields we have in this city If you’ve searched the field that is busy in the fall You’re in the wrong place, try the one where Gerald and Michael played a Iöt Of Softball,

September 28, 2023 0