Pequot Lakes Chamber 5-21-24
The Bobber Tower of Pequot Lakes needs your help with funding for repairs and repainting! Nichole Heinen, Pequot Lakes Chamber Director and Sam Donahue, Events and Marketing Coordinator, asks for your donations to restore this community icon so it can continue to be a symbol of Pequot Lakes for years to come.
Pequot Lakes Chamber of Commerce 12-20-22
Pequot Lakes Chamber Director, Nichole Heinen, previews two big events in the Pequot Lakes area coming up in early 2023: The “2023 Excellence in Service Awards” on January 12th and the “2023 Bobber Bocce on Ice” on February 11th.
Pequot Lakes Chamber of Commerce Events 11-15-22
Nichole Heinen, Pequot Lakes Chamber Director, talks about Pequot Lakes events around the corner, including “Service in Excellence,” “Bobber Bocce on Ice” and their “Business After Hours Holiday Extravaganza.”