Tag: Wake The Lakes Morning Show

Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity 11-22-23

Kevin Pelkey, Executive Director of Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, reminds us of the need for volunteers to help in their current build projects, as well as volunteers needed for pickups and salvages. We also provide information about their ReStore retail space and updated hours for the Thanksgiving weekend.

November 22, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 11-21-23

Don’t drive drunk. And especially don’t drive drunk to the county jail to bail-out your friend who was just arrested for drunk driving. Authorities in Washburn County, Washington say a local man learned that lesson the hard way Saturday night. The State Patrol arrested Anthony Koprowski in the jail parking lot for OWI (operating while…
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November 21, 2023 0

16th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner – Brainerd/Baxter

Committee Member, Dick Lyscio, tells us about their Community Thanksgiving Dinner that’s been happening for the past 16 years!

November 20, 2023 0

Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B – Josh Heintzeman 11-17-23

Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B, Josh Heintzeman, talks about his ride on the first full feature electric side-by-side from Polaris, related to the current 2000 pound weight limit on trails issue. Other topics involve the trend of fewer hunters and fewer deer taken with the recent Minnesota deer hunting opener and more.

November 17, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 11-13-23

Life-Saving Thanksgiving Cooking Hacks: –Add a little baking powder to make mashed potatoes extra fluffy.  Apparently, the heat of the potatoes triggers the baking powder’s chemical reaction, and the CO2 produced = extra fluffiness. –Bake stuffing in muffin tins to maximize crispy surface area and make easy single servings. –Freeze rolled-out pie crusts so they…
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November 13, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM” for the Week 11-9-23

–Peer pressure as an adult is seeing your neighbor mow or rake their lawn.–Monkeys just pretend to be less intelligent than humans so they can avoid paying taxes and going on a job search.–“To be old and wise, you need to first be young and stupid.”–You can’t get on the same page with someone who…
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November 9, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 11-8-23

People are Defecating in Line While Waiting for Rides at Disney Theme Parks (Anaheim, CA)  —  Waiting in line for a popular ride at a Disney theme park can take upwards of 90 minutes. For some guests, that’s just too long to hold out. So long that people are reportedly defecating while in line. That’s…
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November 8, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM for the Week” 11-2-23

–You know we have hit a technological wall with cell phone improvements when the only thing Apple pitches about their new phone is that it’s made of Titanium.–You can tell a lot about a person based on what part of their pants wear out first.–The game Monopoly is so realistic that only one person can…
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November 2, 2023 0