Trisha Rux Benefit In Hawley Sunday

Trisha Rux Benefit In Hawley Sunday

September 26, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

HAWLEY, MN—There’s going to be a benefit in Hawley Sunday for Trisha Rux.  She grew up in Hawley and is currently fighting cancer.  Elaine Kluck, one of the organizers of the benefit, talks about Trisha.

Kluck says the cancer came suddenly.

Dianne Haugen, who is also organizing the benefit for Trisha, says Sunday’s fundraiser will be at Hawley Lutheran Church.

Once again, the benefit for Trisha Rux is Sunday from 5 to 7pm at Hawley Lutheran Church. If you can’t attend, but want to donate for Trisha, you can do that at Bell Bank and Valley Premier in Hawley. You can also donate online at: