Veteran’s Benefit Fair at Crookston National Guard Armory

Veteran’s Benefit Fair at Crookston National Guard Armory

March 29, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Polk County, MN – After two years the Veterans Benefit Fair will make its return on April 1st, 2022. Kurt Ellefson from the Polk County Veterans Office assures that this is not an April Fool’s joke, but rather a way to introduce veterans to the many benefits they are entitled to. Ellefson says he is glad that the fair is making a return, as the variety of vendors at the fair can provide information on services available to veterans. All veterans and their families are invited to come visit with the many vendors such as the DAV, VFW, MDVA, Job Services and Employers looking to hire veterans. Polk County Veterans Service Officer Kurt Ellefson has details on the Veterans Benefit Fair.

The Veterans Benefit Fair is on Friday, April 1st at the Crookston armory. The event will run from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. If there are any questions regarding the fair or veteran services, Veterans Service Officer Kurt Ellefson is available by Phone: 218-281-3066 Cell: 218-280-5506 or Email Kurt R. Ellefson