Fischbach pushing Pro Life Legislature in 2024 

Fischbach pushing Pro Life Legislature in 2024 

February 20, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Minnesota US Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach has made Pro Life legislation a priority for her in 2024 after the United States Supreme Court Reversed Roe v Wade. The reversal of Roe v Wade made abortion a state issue, and in response the State of Minnesota based legislation that protects abortion rights. Congresswoman Fischbach gives her opinion on these new laws and says that more funding needs to be spent on Pregnancy Crisis Centers and abortion alternatives. 

In response to these new laws Fischback introduced legislation on the Federal side that would secure federal funding for these pregnancy centers. Fischbach said she tried to do this as a state legislature but was unsuccessful. 

Fischback says that there are currently two bills regarding pregnancy care and support being worked on at the federal level and explained more about them and what’s next.  

For the full conversation with Congresswoman Fishbach go to the Food for Thought Program on