A Big Blue Theatre with Big Blue Dreams

A Big Blue Theatre with Big Blue Dreams

May 29, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Theatre, as an art form, is a very unique and creative form of expression that numerous performers have utilized. This particular group had found a way to use that expression in the form of parodies and original stories. This group is the Big Blue Theatre Company, a student-ran theatre that was established by these three: Ray Huntley (Financial Manager/Director/Writer), Thomas Nelson (Business Manager/Director/ Writer/Actor), and Luke Hiland (Advocacy and PR Manager/Director/Writer/Actor).

And Luke and Thomas tells us a little more about what Big Blue Theatre is, and how it got started.

I then asked about how it began as a company consisting of almost entirely students.

Then, they shared a preview of this upcoming summer season where they will hold performances inside an actual theatre space for the first time ever.

As mentioned earlier, the main types of shows they put on are parodies and original stories so I asked them how scripts get greenlit.

I was then curious about the parody side of shows they put on, and more specifically how that works as a still young theatre company.

Another special aspect of being a theatre company that does original stories is the ways they can be flexible when they have an inability to put on a show.

An example being last summer where they had to make a last minute change on what show they would perform, and they tell a little more about the situation.

A rather funny aspect of the show “SOUP” was the social media marketing leading up to its opening night that were rather… cryptic.

(Credit to Emmalee Oberg Photography) Pictured above is one of the aforementioned social media posts.

The marketing wasn’t even the best part, as this silly show about a man being turned into a bowl of soup was also a show that had seemingly saved Big Blue Theatre.

And they have grown the company in a big way which is amazing because of how young the company is, as they started off performing in garages.

Thomas talks a little more about how big of an advantage having a legitimate theatre truly is.

So what are some ways they hope to expand Big Blue Theatre?

I was also curious how they would originally get people involved in the earlier days of Big Blue.

I then asked Luke about some of the other people who were regularly involved in Big Blue theatre performances.

And despite the Summer 2024 season not even beginning yet, they are always thinking of the future seasons.

Thomas also talks about other potential future expansions for the company in the sense of stretching into a fall and spring (and maybe even winter) season.

So make sure to check them out online or on social media!

Again, their first show this season will be “Layton: Legend of Ambrosia” with performances on June 7th-9th at 7:30pm in the Merrill Arts Centre in Woodbury, MN.