Severe Thunderstorms hit the region 

Severe Thunderstorms hit the region 

June 18, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Severe thunderstorms hit the Red River Valley Monday night. Most places across the region saw anywhere from three quarters of an inch to two inches of rain, with some areas seeing as high as three inches. Heavy winds were also an issue for many across the region including Ada which saw a peak wind gust of 67 mph early Tuesday morning. 

Heavy winds have caused some damage across the region. R&J Broadcasting is taking photo submissions of storm damage across the region. Photo submissions can be sent to or through the KRJB KRJM KKCQ Radio Facebook page through messenger. 

Photos of reported storm damage will be posted on and on the KRJB KRJM KKCQ Radio Facebook page. 

Storm damage in Ada Minnesota