Teddy Bear Picnic at the Fort Frances Library: Let’s Break the Conga Line Record!

Teddy Bear Picnic at the Fort Frances Library: Let’s Break the Conga Line Record!

June 27, 2024 News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

We had the opportunity to talk to Brittany Renaud about what the Teddy Bear Picnic is.

The Teddy Bear has been around since 1984 in its larger, carnival style form. There was a smaller version of the event before that as well.

She also makes sure to let us know what is gonna be offered at the carnival.

The best part about it is the Mayor of Fort Frances, Andrew Hallikas, will be leading the conga line! And the Teddy Bear Picnic is pretty affordable too.

So how were the activities decided on?

Last year there was even a petting zoo!

also talks about the amount of help it takes to run this kind of event.

So can we get a reminder of when the Teddy Bear Picnic is happening.

Brittany Renaud also lets us know of upcoming events at the library.

And that Summer Reading Program has gained a lot of traction with the kids in the area.

So if your child is looking for some carnival fun then stop by the Fort Frances Library on Friday, June 28th from 11am-1:30pm!