Standardized Test Scores Show Improvement for Hillsboro Public Schools

Standardized Test Scores Show Improvement for Hillsboro Public Schools

June 24, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

At the most recent Hillsboro School Board meeting, Principals Terry Baesler and Jon Dryburgh presented their respective classes’ standardized testing results from this past school year. While mixed, both principals are encouraged by the results.

Hillsboro Elementary improved their overall reading proficiency by eight percent from 39% to 47%. Dryburgh says it’s been an encouraging year at the elementary in reading.

That significant jump in math is to the tune of 15 percent. Last year the elementary was at 41% proficiency, this year the overall proficiency rating is 56%, well above the state average of 44%. In particular, this year’s sixth grade students were 82% proficient in math, which is twice the state average of 41%.

Dryburgh says these statistics will be hard to compare to next year as testing will change.

At the middle/high school level, Baesler says the eighth graders were close but not quite to the state averages.

Baesler says the juniors on the ACT scored well, as did the sophomores and 7th graders on their standardized testing.