Ada City Council Discusses 2025 Budget 

Ada City Council Discusses 2025 Budget 

August 29, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Ada City Council held a budget planning meeting on Wednesday night, and while nothing was finalized the council did reach an agreement on an estimated budget increase. Ada City Administrator Ashley Larson tells us what the council is looking at budget wise, and the reasons for the increase. 

The council also approved a change order for the Dekko Center renovation project to the tune of $70,000. Larson explains what the money’s for, and why the steep bill. 

Lastly Larson says the council did approve the purchase of a new truck for the public works department, and she explains why the council decided to move up the purchase of the vehicle from next year to this year. 

The Ada City Council will hold more budget discussions at their next meeting on Tuesday, September 10.