Iron Range Rotary’s 5th Annual Chili Cook-Off

Iron Range Rotary’s 5th Annual Chili Cook-Off

September 9, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Do you love chili? Well for those chili fans, whether you prefer making or eating it, the Iron Range Rotary Club is holding their 5th annual Chili Cook-off on Thursday, September 19th at the Iron Trail Motors Event Center. We got to speak with Ashley Samargia who told us all about the Cook-Off.

So who all is competing? And what will the day look like?

Alongside the tasting side of the contest, is also another fan-voted prize.

It certainly sounds like an event only for chili lovers.

Ashley also shares even more fun prizes for the attendees.

And it’s all thanks to the people involved that the Cook-off can run so smoothly.

So how can someone become a judge? (asking for a friend).

All are invited to come and enjoy the Chili cookout, and especially the chili.

Which certainly sounds like an invite.