Broncos Girls S&W at the 2024 IRC

Broncos Girls S&W at the 2024 IRC

October 2, 2024 --- School News - KSDM/KGHS News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

In International Falls, the Bronco Girls Swim & Dive team were over in the Mesabi East pool where they were competing in the IRC Swim Meet. As a team the Broncos would place 3rd overall with a team score of 388.

Prior to them leaving for the IRC meet I got to speak with Head Coach JJ McBride, first about their meet against Rock Ridge which was their one dual loss this season.

She then talked about the biggest goal with the Rock Ridge meet as a leadup to IRC.

Coach McBride did something similar for the meet again Chisholm that was before Rock Ridge, and was asked about how the two meets compared in how she moved swimmers around.

A working point that Coach McBride has been working on with her girls was starts and turns, so has she seen improvements in that aspect?

Then the topic turned to the Diving Pool and her Senior diver Kieren Ford who has been having a strong season, and also Alexz Johnson who is a Sophomore diver that’s been finding success.

Out of curiosity, Coach McBride was asked how the list of dives performed is picked out.

And does she believe they perform better with more or less dives to do?

Over on the diving boards Kieren Ford would win in the diving pool scoring 324.60, and Alexz Johnson would also place high as she got 4th with a 208.80.

Coach McBride voiced high praise for her team and high expectations for the lineups.

They would find success in the relays with the team of Mary Versteeg, Brooklyne Dowty, Mackenzie Minnick, and Kayla Dowty placed 3rd in the 200 Medley with a 2:10.62.

In the 200 Freestyle the team of Mary Versteeg, Brooklyne Dowty, Sylvia Valenzuela, and Kayla Dowty placed 3rd with a 1:53.38.

Then, in the 400 Freestyle Mackenzie Minnick, Sylvia Valenzuela, Mckenna Whelchel, and Kendra Kalstad would place 4th with a 4:31.61.

Sylvia Valenzuela would win the 200 IM with a 2:39.10 and 4th in the 100 Butterfly with a 1:13.40.

Mary Versteeg placed 3rd in the 100 Freestyle with a 1:02.01, and her teammate Kayla Dowty placed 5th in the 50 Freestyle with a 28.34.

In the 100 Breastroke, the Broncos would have all three of their swimmers in the top 5 with Kendra Kalstad placing 2nd (1:20.48), Brooklyne Dowty placed 3rd (1:21.43), and McKenna Whelchel placed 5th (1:25.21).

Of course, the IRC Swim Meet is happening during the International Falls Homecoming week. JJ McBride was asked about the Homecoming events and what the Girls are excited about.

She was then asked what her favorite memory is from her own Homecoming experience.

And for this year’s parade it is awesome how the Elementary rec swim team gets to be included in the festivities. Even before the Chisholm home meet the Rec swim team had an opportunity to have their own race before the Varsity meet’s start.

So congrats on placing 3rd at IRC, and good luck as the season continues!