Conservation Officer weekly reports 6/7/22
CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) worked on flood relief.
CO Curtis Simonson (International Falls #2) reports spending time checking muskie anglers on the Bigfork River this past weekend, monitoring ATV activity and assisting with flood-related issues on Rainy Lake. Simonson would like to remind people that deer are starting to drop their fawns throughout the area and that if a fawn is spotted to leave it alone and don?t handle the fawn. More times than not the mother is not far away and will return to the fawn.
CO John Slatinski IV (Ray) reports that although area lakes are still at flood stage, it appears some are beginning to stabilize. Boat wake complaints are still being heard, with some causing damage to sandbagging efforts. Along with a neighboring officer, Slatinski responded to the location of a fire where the property owner had not obtained a burning permit ahead of time and the fire took a run. Slatinski contacted two ATV operators who entered the state highway almost directly across from his patrol vehicle. The ATV operators then started traveling on the shoulder of the highway in a direction against traffic.
CO Troy Fondie (Orr) reports monitoring area lakes for angling activities. Area forest roads and public access sites were checked. ATV activity was monitored. Equipment work is ongoing. Border lakes remain flooded. Complaints about boat wakes continue from high water on area lakes.
CO Aaron Larson (Tower) primarily worked on training and reports throughout the week. Larson also spent time on squad truck maintenance.
CO Marc Johnson (Hibbing) primarily worked angling/boating and ATV/OHM activity. Time was also spent working at an AIS check station and investigating a fire. Violations encountered included ATV/boat registration issues, failure to drain watercraft prior to transport, operating an ATV on a trunk highway, and allowing a smoldering fire.
CO Shane Zavodnik (Virginia) spent time patrolling area lakes over the week. Windy weather and rain have kept angling activity unusually slow for this time of year. Zavodnik also spent time assisting the International Falls area loading up sandbags.
CO Duke Broughten (Aurora) spent the week monitoring fishing, boating, and ATV activity. Fishing and boating activity remained low this week. ATV activity picked up with the better weather. Broughten also followed up on public waters violations.
Cook vacant.