Youth showcase a year of 4-H learning in Cass County

Youth showcase a year of 4-H learning in Cass County

June 15, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

Pine River, MN (6/10/2022) — Throughout Minnesota, 4-H educators, youth and community
supporters are working together to prepare for a new year of summer showcase events,
including the Cass County 4-H Showcase at the Cass County Fair in Pine River.

Starting on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, and concluding on Sunday, June 26, 2022, Cass County 4-H youth will share their skill and accomplishments with knowledgeable project judges and our community in showcase events encompassing a variety of project areas including Animal Sciences, Expressive Arts and Communication, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Gardening and Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, Outdoor Adventures, Healthy Living, Civic Engagement and Leadership, Environmental and Earth Sciences, and more!
As our Extension Center for Youth Development Associate Dean and State 4-H Director, Jennifer A. Skuza has shared, “4-H’s priority is to provide learning and leadership experiences that guide youth in building relationships, developing communication techniques, and strengthening organizational skills,” and the 4-H Showcase is a way for our community to acknowledge our youth’s accomplishments in learning and leading over the past year.
If you would like the opportunity to observe our 4-H Showcase at the Cass County Fair, please
review the following showcase dates, times and locations:

Tuesday, June 21:

2:00-3:00 PM – Fashion Revue (pending entries) – 4-H Building

3:00-7:00 PM – Static Judging, Demonstrations – 4-H Building
7:00-8:00 PM – Pet Show – 4-H Building

Wednesday, June 22:

10:00 AM – Horse Showcase Horse Arena

Thursday, June 23

1:00 PM – Hybrid Poultry Showcase (no live birds) – Open-Air Arena

5:00 PM – Rabbit Showcase – Open-Air Arena

Friday, June 24

9:00 AM – General Livestock Showcase – Open-Air Arena

Sunday, June 26

2:00 PM – 4-H Awards Ceremony – Don Smith Arena

To learn more about 4-H in Cass County, contact Extension 4-H Educator Brooke Remer, at 218-
587-8280 and visit the website,