Deadline for State Flag and Seal Redesign Approaching 

Deadline for State Flag and Seal Redesign Approaching 

October 26, 2023 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Earlier this year the Minnesota Legislature approved the process of adopting a new official state seal and flag. Soon after the State Emblems Redesign Commission announced that they will be accepting flag and seal submissions.  State Emblems Redesign Commission member Luis Fitch wants to remind all Minnesota residents about the upcoming submission deadline and what the commission is looking for. 

Fitch shared more reasons on why the state decided to start the process of redesigning the flag as well as how the decision was made. 

Fitch ended by giving some advice to people who are interested in submitting a flag or seal proposal. 

For more information and to submit a flag or seal design go to the commission’s website at Guidelines and a mailing address can also be found on the commissions website.