Deb Kiel Talks About Her Tenure In St. Paul

Deb Kiel Talks About Her Tenure In St. Paul

January 24, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Minnesota State Representative Deb Kiel of Crookston will not run for re-election this fall, ending her legislative career at seven terms.  R&J News asked Kiel what she’s most proud of during her time in St. Paul.

On the subject of nursing homes, Kiel was asked if she’s been following the situation with the Fair Meadow Nursing Home in Fertile.

Kiel told R&J News she had spoken to Fertile Mayor Dan Wilkens last week about Fair Meadow, which is owned by the City of Fertile.  The City is embroiled in a legal dispute with the nursing home’s former administrator, Angie Leiting.  And at the Fertile City Council meeting earlier this month, Cornerstone of Bagley made it known they might be interested in buying Fair Meadow from the City.