Ada Borup West School Board discusses start of school year, and future goals

Ada Borup West School Board discusses start of school year, and future goals

September 10, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The start of the school year was a topic of discussion at the Ada Borup West School Board meeting on Tuesday morning. Ada Borup West Superintendent Aaron Cook tells us how how the school year has gone so far. 

Cook also gave the board an update on the track project, which is progressing well. 

Like many school boards and city councils this time of year, the Ada Borup West School Board had discussions on their levy for next year. Cook says the board is eyeing a slight increase. 

Finally the school board also talked about future goals for this school year and beyond, and Cook fills us in on some of the board priorities moving forward. 

For more discussion on Tuesday ABW’s School Board meeting tune into the KRJB Kaleidoscope at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, September 11.