Ada Borup West Update 

Ada Borup West Update 

September 12, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Like many school districts across Minnesota Ada Borup West is seeing the effects of the substitute teacher, and bus driver shortage. Ada Borup West Superintendent Aaron Cook encourages community members who are interested in filling into these roles to reach out to him at the school. 

Earlier this week Ada Borup West Activities Director Kenley Wahlin made the decision to cancel Thursday Cross Country meet due to heat, and Cook says that he fully backs the decision to cancel the meet citing athletes health as a priority. 

This summer the Ada Borup West School Board made the decision to share Cook’s time as Superintendent with the Win-E-Mac School District, and Cook gives an update on how that agreement is working for both schools so far. 

Cook was a guest on the KRJB Kaleidoscope which airs weekdays at 9:00 AM on 106.5 FM.