Ada City Council Special Meeting

Ada City Council Special Meeting

June 18, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Ada City Council held a special meeting on Monday night. One topic for the special meeting was an update on repairs and maintenance at the Dekko Community Center. Ada Mayor John Hintz says the general obligation tax abatement that had been on the agenda was tabled because of some new updates.

The issue is a beam that has some rust.

Mayor Hintz says the engineer will be in town today (Tuesday) to assess damage.

Also at the Ada City Council special meeting last night, Josh Visser was appointed as a new Public Safety Committee Member.

Last month, the Ada City Council was informed by their lawyer, Pemberton Law, that they would not be renewing their contract. The City just received a city attorney proposal, and tabled any action until they could get more information.