Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida highlights STS program in monthly update

Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida highlights STS program in monthly update

March 1, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI Wake the Lakes 0

By Paul Vold (3/2/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — The Aitkin County Sentence to Serve Program has been a vital asset for the Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office and aids in the rehabilitation process for the inmates at the Aitkin County Jail.

In our monthly conversation with Sheriff Guida, he spoke that adjustments have been made to accommodate the STS program and mitigate COVID-19.

The recommendation was taken but the Aitkin County Sheriff’s Office continues to run off their own policies. Speaking of COVID, the program has made new opportunities for different ventures with local organizations.

If local organizations are looking for help with outdoor projects, STS may be able to help.

The STS program has been a part of Aitkin County for a number of years and has left an impact.

Sheriff Guida also went on to talk about snowmobile safety, getting ice houses off the lakes by March 7th, and more with our full conversation which can be heard here: