Aitkin County Sheriff talks ATV regulations, safety

By Paul Vold (8/16/22)
(Aitkin, MN) — With increased traffic on the roadways, the need for safety measures on All Terrain Vehicles or ATVs drew the attention of Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida in our monthly conversation.
As the summer is winding down and visitors are getting their last minute getaways, Sheriff Guida did say the “rules of the road” are still in place.
Sheriff Guida did say rather than traveling on the side of the road where hazards from cars are high, taking in the many trails through Aitkin County is one of the best ways to enjoy your riding experience and be safe.
There are circumstances that do present themselves in the form of quick trips into town or farm work, Sheriff Guida did say that is an issue they see regularly as safety is always a concern.
Our full chat with Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida can be found on the Wake The Lakes page at