Aitkin School Board accepts retirement of Karelis, hired new Band Teacher

Aitkin School Board accepts retirement of Karelis, hired new Band Teacher

April 20, 2022 ---School News - KKIN/KFGI/KLKS/WWWI News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (4/21/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — The Aitkin Public School Board approved the retirement for High School Principal Paul Karelis, hired a new Band Teacher, and gave an update on Graduation from the Mille Lacs Trails Clubhouse on Monday, April 18th.

The Board did approve the retirement of High School Principal Paul Karelis, to which he noted of the great numbers of changes since he attended Aitkin High School.

The Board moved to approve the hiring of Taylor Meeks as the new Band Teacher effective the 2022-23 School Year as well as the retirement of Paraprofessional Laurie Hanson. 

The Aitkin Teachers Contract was approved by the Board, before discussion on a resolution on Cross Subsidy for Aitkin Public Schools that was led by Superintendent Dan Stifter.

The resolution was approved as was adding a part-time ECFE Teacher. Superintendent Stifter also noted the outdoor High School Graduation at AHS Veterans Field.

The Board did approve policies of School Board Meeting Minutes; Open Meetings and Closed Meetings; Public Participation in School Meetings/Complaints about Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations; Public Hearings; Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies.

The Aitkin School Board will host their next meeting on Monday, May 9th at 6:30pm for a Work Session.