Author: Joe Lancello

Local Radio

Clearbrook-Gonvick School Book Fair

The Clearbrook-Gonvick School District is having its annual book fair this week.  Tiffany Kroulick with the Clearbrook-Gonvick District has details. Kroulick says she’s looking forward to the Clearbrook-Gonvick School District using ESSER funds–Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief dollars—to give something to students. Kroulick runs down the hours for this year’s Clearbrook-Gonvick book fair. And…
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February 13, 2023 0

Bagley High School Band Trip

BAGLEY, MN—At last week’s regular meeting, the Bagley School Board approved two fundraisers for the high school band to raise money for the band’s trip to New Orleans this summer.  Bagley Superintendent Dr. Erich Heise comments. Heise also praised Bagley band director Josh Gunderson for his work allowing students to have the experiences of trips…
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February 13, 2023 0

Hillsboro Beautification Update

HILLSBORO, ND—At last Monday’s regular meeting, the Hillsboro City Commission discussed the city’s beautification plan for clearing areas that have become dilapidated.  City Commission President Levi Reese was asked if progress is being made. You can contact Hillsboro City Hall for more information on the city’s beautification committee.

February 13, 2023 0

Hawley Science Olympiad Goes To State

HAWLEY, MN—Hawley High School is headed to the State Science Olympiad.  The Nuggets’ Science Olympiad team won a regional competition last week at Minnesota State-Moorhead to reach the State level.  Hawley junior Gavin Klagas talks about the Science Olympiad. Klagas talks about the schedule for the State level of Science Olympiad and how he thinks…
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February 9, 2023 0

Drug Task Force Creates New App

Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman says there’s a new phone app that you can use to help fight the war on drugs.  It’s from the Pine to Prairie drug task force. Once again, that’s p2ptip where you get your apps.

February 9, 2023 0

Bagley Participates In State One-Act Play Festival

BAGLEY, MN—For the sixth consecutive year, Bagley will be part of the Minnesota Class A One-Act Play State Festival Friday at St. Catherine University in St. Paul.  Marilyn Hood, the play’s director, talks about Bagley’s run of success. Bagley is performing “The Chair Play” by Alan Haehnel after receiving a perfect one-one-one score at last…
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February 8, 2023 0

Bunnies To Be Performed At Ada-Borup-West

ADA, MN—The Ada-Borup-West elementary school music program is putting on the musical “Bunnies” this Thursday night at the Ada-Borup-West auditorium.  Elementary music teacher Dorinda Blotsky talks about the musical. Blotsky talks about the cast. Blotsky says “Bunnies” will be the first opportunity to use new lights in the auditorium. You can see “Bunnies” Thursday night…
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February 8, 2023 0

Hillsboro City Commission Meets

HILLSBORO, ND—Monday night, the Hillsboro City Commission discussed making repairs to the city’s outdoor swimming pool.  City Commission President Levi Reese says the Commission has given permission to pursue a grant to help pay for the work. Reese was asked if there’s any estimate to what it would cost to repair the pool. Also at…
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February 8, 2023 0

Fosston Parent-Teacher Conferences

FOSSTON, MN—The Fosston School District will be holding parent-teacher conferences this coming Wednesday. Fosston High Principal Don Donarski says the district received feedback from parents after the fall conferences and will make a change for the upcoming conferences. To accommodate the parent-teacher conferences, students in Fosston will be released from school Wednesday at 12:10pm and…
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February 6, 2023 0

Six More Weeks Of Winter??

With this being Groundhog Day, you might be wondering if we’ll have six more weeks of winter or if spring is about to start.  Rather than consult a groundhog, R&J News reached out to Mindy Beerends, meteorologist in charge at the National Weather Service in Grand Forks. And what about precipitation over the next few…
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February 2, 2023 0