Good Student Award Winners 9-28-24
MGSA Austin McCraven Senior at Ada Borup West FGSA Sidney Erickson Senior at Fertile Beltrami
Ada Borup West School News 9-25-24
Ada Borup West School News 9-25-24 ABW Educator of the week from the Norsk Coffeehouse Angie Larson 9-25-25
Good Student Award Winners 9-21-24
Elizabeth Lytle – Senior – Red Lake Falls High School Ian Phrakonkham – Sophomore – Bagley High School
KRJB-KRJM Coaches Corner 9-21-24
Ada Borup West FB Paul Tinjum Ada Borup West VB Janna Engel Ada Borup West XC Tyler Hennen Climax Fisher VB Brenda Slyt Fertile Beltrami FB Brian Nelson Fertile Beltrami VB Kerri Solie Fertile Beltrami XC Chad Hitchen Hawley FB Peder Naatz Hawley VB Kathleen Rustad Hawley XC Nathan Stoa HCV FB Joe Johnson HCV…
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Ada-Borup-West Hall of Fame 2024 Interviews
1987 NCW Boys Basketball Team (Brett Storsved interview) 2001 Ada Borup Football Team (Mike Gullingsrud interview) Dave Smart Jim Thompson Joe Christianson Kari Guttormson (Borgmann) Ruth Steen (Interview subject Ann Williams, Ruth’s daughter) Vicki Fingalson
Ada Borup West School News 9-18-24
Ada Borup West School News 9-18-24 ABW Educator of the week (Sponsored by Norsk Coffee House) Kelsey Zieske 9-18-24