Food for Thought: 6-26-2023
Listen back to the latest Food for Thought with Fosston Police Chief Dustin Manecke
Local Radio
Listen back to the latest Food for Thought with Fosston Police Chief Dustin Manecke
Fosston Police Chief Dustin Manecke discussed a number of topics on Monday’s Food for Thought Program. One of those was a reminder about reporting any suspicious behavior you see around town to the authorities, and to lock up your property. Manecke also wants to remind people that the Fosston Police Department has a vacation house…
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The Norman County 4-H chapter wrapped up their livestock shows this Saturday morning with the rabbit and poultry show. According to Norman County 4-H Extension Educator Linda Houglum the 4-H events went off without a hitch and no major problems. Even though heavy rainfall did occur at the fair on Friday and Saturday all the…
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The Norman County 4-H Shows continued this Friday with the cattle, sheep, goat, and alpaca shows taking place and the man judging the shows has become a familiar face to the Norman County Fair. Greg Harder has been judging livestock for over 40 years and has judged the Norman County 4-H show 10 times over…
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The Norman County 4-H’ers continue to present their projects at this year’s Norman County Fair in Ada. Norman County 4-H Extension educator Linda Houglum says that so far, all the events have gone well. Woodland 4-H Club president and exhibitor Madalynn Crompton also believes that everything has gone well so far this week, and that…
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REACH was presented with a grant worth $25,000 by Cenex earlier today at the Norman County Fair. Peggy Chisolm with REACH describes what the nonprofit organization has been up to and some things coming up in the organization’s future. The grant presented by Cenex will help REACH fund some of their upcoming programs like their…
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Tara Jensen with the Wild Rice Watershed District was a part of the KRJB Kaleidoscope Program earlier this week to discuss a number of topics and deadlines coming up this summer. One of those topics was an update on the Perley Grade Raises Project. The Wild Rice Watershed District is still assessing flood damages and…
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The Norman County Sheriff’s Department has continued to fundraise in order to pay for the training and the purchase of a new police K9. Norman County Sheriff Ben Fall discusses the latest grill out they held to raise funds. Sheriff Fall also discussed the latest golf scramble that the Sheriff’s Department hosted. The Sheriffs Department…
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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has announced that they will be auctioning off 10 properties this summer via online auction. The properties that the Minnesota DNR will be auctioning off include four properties in Clearwater County, four properties in Itasca County, and two properties in Wadena County. In total over 240 acres of land…
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The Becker County Sheriff’s Department announced that an individual was killed in the morning of Sunday, June 18 after being struck by a car. AT 4:04 am the Becker County Sheriffs Office received a call from a distressed motorist who said that she had potentially hit someone who was laying in the middle of the…
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