Author: Prestin Douville

Local Radio

Road Work on Highway 34 Set to Begin on July 6

The Highway 34 resurfacing project between County Road 29 and County Road 26/47 has been scheduled to begin on Thursday, July 3, 2023 according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The project has been postponed twice already with past dates for the project being scheduled on June 5, and June 15. The detour will be…
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June 13, 2023 0

Solem Lutheran Church Celebrates 150 Years

Solem Lutheran Church in Hawley is celebrating 150 years of history with a number of activities during the weekend of the 23-25. Solem Church Representative Theresa Olson gives us a brief history of the church.  Solem Lutheran Church will also be hosting activities that people are invited to participate in for the celebration. Olson also…
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June 13, 2023 0

Twin Valley City Council Meeting Recap

The Twin Valley City Council met on Monday, June 12 to discuss a multitude of topics in their monthly council meeting. The major topic that was discussed in this  meeting was the next step in the water, and sewage project that will be happening in Twin Valley and around the wastewater storage ponds also known…
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June 13, 2023 0

Ada-Borup Grad Wins Bodybuilding Competition

A former Ada-Borup graduate won a OCB Natural Spartan bodybuilding competition on Saturday, June 10 this past weekend. Ivy Johnson, a 2019 graduate from Ada gives us her background.  Johnson also shared the kind of training one has to go through in order to compete in a bodybuilding competition like the one she competed in.…
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June 12, 2023 0

WRCC Fishing Derby Recap

The Wil Rice Conservation Club held their 15th Annual Heiberg Fishing Derby this past weekend. The derby went from 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturday, June 10 and many people of all ages took to the Wild Rice River to see who could catch the biggest fish. WRCC Treasurer Nicole Nagowski recaps the event. The WRCC…
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June 12, 2023 0

“The Story of Lekamoya” Puppeteers Discuss Performance

Ann, and Julie are two puppeteers who will be performing in this weekend’s performance of “The Story of Lekamoya”  being put on by The Bagley Area Arts Collaborative. Ann and Julie discuss the story behind the performance. Music plays a major role in telling “The Story of Lekamoya” as explained by Ann. Ann and Julie…
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June 8, 2023 0

Food for Thought: 6-8-2023 Jim Tadman and Jacob Snyder

Listen back to the latest episode of Food for Thought with Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman and Jacob Snyder with Environmental Services as they discuss invasive species prevention.

June 8, 2023 0

Jim Tadman and Jacob Snyder Discuss Invasive Species Prevention

In today’s episode of Food for Thought Polk County Sheriff Jim Tadman and Jacob Snyder with Environmental Services talk about the prevention of invasive species in our area lakes and what’s being done to help the situation. Snyder says that people in the area have done a good job doing their part in the prevention…
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June 8, 2023 0

Weekly FSA Report: Nathan Peterson

Listen back to this weeks FSA Report with Nathan Peterson as he discusses the Annual Acreage Report.

June 8, 2023 0

Tina Smith Reflects on The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023

One June 1, 2023 the United States Senate passed The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, a bipartisan bill that suspends the debt ceiling that would otherwise put a legal limit on the amount of money the government can borrow. Tina Smith discusses the importance of the bill and why it was important. You can listen…
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June 8, 2023 0