Crow Wing County Board Meeting from April 26, 2022
(BRAINERD, MN) — The Crow Wing County Board held its second regular meeting of the month of April on Tuesday… The board heard an update on the use of American Rescue Plan Act dollars, officially approving two projects to be paid for by those funds… Both projects were approved unanimously. The board also heard an…
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Pierz Council Meeting from April 25
(PIERZ, MN) — The city of Pierz held its second regular council meeting of the month of April on Monday… Mayor Dave Fischer says that there is some routine road work to be done around the city soon… The city also heard an update regarding the status of ARPA funds coming in… Our full conversation…
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District 9 Conservation Officer Weekly Reports 4-26-22
CO Jim Guida (Brainerd East) patrolled for turkey hunting and all-terrain vehicle activity. Calls have been received regarding illegal use on closed trails. Guida also fielded dead-deer-related calls and another about a lost beaver that wouldn?t leave a concerned citizens yard. CO Nate Benkofske (McGregor) reports checking ATV riders and turkey hunters in the area.…
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Bear Hunting License Application Deadline is May 6
Prospective bear hunters have until Friday, May 6, to apply for a bear hunting license from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Applications for the 2022 season can be submitted online, at any license agent or via telephone at 888-665-4236. Bear season opens Thursday, Sept. 1, and closes Sunday, Oct. 16. Lottery winners will be…
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Hoven Wins State Specialty Crop Proficiency
FFA Chapters from across the state are attending their first in-person state convention in two years in the Twin Cities. Excitement for the Ada-Borup-West FFA as Senior and Chapter President Ryan Hoven won the Specialty Crops Proficiency Award. Hoven talks about the hard work he put in to earn the degree. Ryan explains his specialty…
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City of Nisswa Considers County’s Request to Adopt Boardwalk Moratorium
(NISSWA, MN) — The city of Nisswa held its regularly scheduled council meeting for the month of April last week… The city received a request from the Crow Wing County Board regarding the moratorium they recently placed on the development of boardwalks in lakeshore areas… Mayor John Ryan said that the city does its own…
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Baxter Water Treatment Plant Startup
Effective April 25th 2022, the City of Baxter will once again begin producing water at the Baxter Water Treatment Plant. Reconstruction of the plant has been completed and all water testing samples meet the Minnesota Department of Health requirements for potable water. The Baxter City Council would like to thank the City of Brainerd and Brainerd…
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