Author: WWWI AM

Local Radio

Wake the Lakes Morning Show: Weird and Wacky Wednesday 1-3-24

 A woman is suing  Hershey after she unwrapped a Reese’s Halloween Peanut Butter cup without its signature “cute pumpkin face.” Cynthia Kelly expected the pumpkin-shaped chocolate to have a jack-o-lantern face carved onto it the way it’s pictured on the wrapper. Instead, it was a plain pumpkin-shaped candy. Kelly filed a lawsuit against the maker…
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January 3, 2024 0

Moron Lawbreaker of the Week 1-2-24

A Florida man wanted by the cops tried to throw them off his trail by placing a big sign outside his house, reading: “Johnny Yates does NOT live here!!” It didn’t work. Yates, 41, who was wanted by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office on aggravated battery, false imprisonment and tampering charges, was eventually locked up.…
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January 2, 2024 0

Brainerd Lakes Chamber 12-19-23

Sue Galligan, Brainerd Lakes Chamber Events & Connections Manager, tells us about the upcoming 2024 Explore Brainerd Lakes Visitor Guide, Business After Hours and their Spring Brainerd Lakes Home Show & Expo, March 22-23, 2024.

December 19, 2023 0

Brainerd Lions Club 12-18-23

Nancy Cross, President of the Brainerd Lions Club, recaps their Spaghetti with Santa Supper fundraiser earlier this month and talks about the importance of nonprofits to the area.

December 18, 2023 0

Aitkin County Soil and Water Conservation District 12-15-23

Veronica Lundquist, Watershed Management Outreach Specialist, highlights their tree and plant sale open house scheduled for January 9th, 2024 at the Aitkin Library.

December 15, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM” for the Week 12-14-23

–A TV can insult your intelligence, but nothing rubs it in like a computer.–The first computer dates back to Adam and Eve. It was an Apple with limited memory, just one byte. And then everything crashed.–”I’m sorry” and “I apologize” mean the same thing… except when you’re at a funeral.–Wouldn’t exercise be more fun if…
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December 14, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 12-12-23

A convicted felon in three different Florida counties eluded law enforcement for most of November, but authorities tracked her down recently, hiding in her own home. A local Florida television station reports that the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office had been searching for 39-year-old Stacy Usher, who, according to its Nov. 8 Facebook post, “has a…
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December 13, 2023 0

Mid-Minnesota Builders Association 12-12-23

Colleen Faacks, Executive Officer of Mid-Minnesota Builders Association and James Kalken, Project Manager at Clean N’ Seal (with a new office in Brainerd) discuss their positive business relationship whereas Clean N’ Seal benefits from the resources that MMBA offers.

December 12, 2023 0