Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B – Josh Heintzeman 9-15-23
Josh Heintzeman, Brainerd Lakes Area Representative of District 6B, covers some of the issues regarding the need for better clarification involving the School Resource Officers (SRO) law and some of Minnesota’s new hunting laws affecting the coming deer season, as well as a new gun control law that also impacts hunting overall.
Brainerd Lions – Putting for Service Dogs 2023
Nancy Cross, President Elect of the Brainerd Lions, tells us about their “Putting for Service Dogs Mini-Golf Tournament Fundraiser” coming up on Saturday, September 16th, 2023 from 9am – 1pm at Pirates Cove Adventure Golf in Brainerd.
Northland Arboretum 9-14-23
Trevor Pumnea, Executive Director of the Northland Arboretum, brings us up-to-date with the latest happenings at the Arb transitioning into the Fall season.
Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM for the Day” 9-14-23
–People shorten Mayonnaise to Mayo but there is no shortened form of Worcestershire, which is way more laborious.–Conspiracy theorists seem to forget how hard it is for even two people to keep a secret.–The brain is the smartest organ in your body… according to the brain.–You can say “have a nice day” and there’s no…
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Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 9-13-23
A three-legged bear celebrated the recent Labor Day weekend much like two-legged humans would, raiding a mini fridge and downing White Claws at a Florida home. Video captured the encounter at a home in the Orlando suburb of Lake Mary on Sunday. It was around 5 p.m. when Josaury Faneite-Diglio got a notification from her…
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Mid-Minnesota Builders Association 9-12-23
Colleen Faacks, Executive Officer of Mid-Minnesota Builders Association, and Grace Keliher, Executive Vice President of the Builders Association of Minnesota, talk about how the MMBA and BAM work together to support those in the building industry.
Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 9-12-23
An Australian alleged arsonist in Melbourne’s south-east was caught with live ducklings in his underwear, police say. The 31-year-old man of no fixed address was arrested recently after 12 fires were reported across the Park Lane, Frankston area over a weekend. The small fires included blazes in a loading dock, behind a school, in a…
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Armed Forces Tribute Event 2023
Tammy Ebertowski, Event Planner & Volunteer, and Sue Sterling, VFW Post 1647 Auxiliary President, inform us about the Armed Forces Tribute Event coming up on September 15th, 2023 at 1:00pm at the All Veteran’s Memorial in Brainerd at the Crow Wing County Historic Court House.