Bear Hunting Lottery Licenses available to apply until May 6th

Bear Hunting Lottery Licenses available to apply until May 6th

April 11, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (4/12/22)

(Minnesota) — The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is extending a reminder to prospective bear hunters they have until Friday, May 6th to apply for a bear hunting license. 

Application for the 2022 season can be submitted online at any license agent or via telephone at 888-665-4236.

The number of permits available is based on Minnesota’s bear population, which has seen stabilization and started increasing during the past nine years due to more conservative permit quotas. 

Lottery winners will be notified by Wednesday, June 1st with the deadline to purchase a beat hunting license being awarded by lottery on Monday, August 1st. Any remaining non purchased licenses will be available over the counter starting noon Thursday, August 4th. An unlimited number of bear licenses also will be sold over the counter for the no-quota area that includes east-central and far northwestern Minnesota.

Complete instructions about how to apply for a license, maps, of permit areas, and a listing of permit availability for each area can be found on the DNR’s website.