Bronco Bass Fishing End of Season

Bronco Bass Fishing End of Season

August 12, 2024 News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

This past Sunday, the Broncos Bass Fishing Club was on Pelican Lake for their final tournament of the season! There were about fifteen teams out on the water with the biggest fish being caught by Landin , a 20.75 in smallmouth. The winning team would be team 11 consisting of Gage Wallander, TJ Kaminski, and Dalton Sloan who finished the day with a bag of 18’ 1”, they were captained by Mike Orgas. I had the opportunity to talk to Coach Chris Zahn afterwards where he gave a recap of the season.

So what was the biggest highlight of the season?

Now the team looks ahead to the State tournament which will also be held on Pelican Lake on August 18th. Coach Zahn is only able to send 6 kids to fish in the tournament, and the 6 chosen are: Andrew Eide, Preston Benedix, TJ Kaminski, Cullen Erickosn, Cooper Jensen, and Tanner Gustafson who was the Angler of the Year this summer. Coach Zahn was asked how he picked who went to state.

So what’s the big game plan for the state tournament? Is it getting the kids on the water for pre-fishing?

And then after the State tournament, what comes next? More time for his own fishing.

Speaking of the IFBC, the Bronco Bass Club actually get to help participate in it.

Finally, Coach Zahn was asked what was the biggest hurdle the team had to face.

Once again, the state tournament will take place on Pelican Lake in Orr, with the date being set for August 18th.