Councilman Pete Kalar
Councilman Pete Kalar of International Falls talks about the new space at Backus Community Center and the ties to the Koochiching Warrior Initiative.
Local Radio
Councilman Pete Kalar of International Falls talks about the new space at Backus Community Center and the ties to the Koochiching Warrior Initiative.
The school Board for ISD-363 voted last night to put into motion, the possibility of closing the Indus School in Northern Minnesota. The vote was by a majority of 4-2.
Many anglers removed their fish houses from the ice in advance of last week’s winter storm. People who haven’t yet done so should make plans to meet upcoming deadlines, and all anglers – whether they’re fishing from a shelter or not – should leave only an imprint in the snow or ice when they head…
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INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MN: Voyageurs National Park staff will conduct prescribed burns inselected wetlands in and near Black Bay Narrows, Cranberry Bay, and Alder Creek in Rainy Lakeand Tom Cod, Irwin, and Daley Bays in Kabetogama Lake. Activities include burning floating androoted invasive hybrid cattails as well as other wetland areas to remove dead vegetation, rejuvenatewetland…
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How to get KSDM and KGHS on Alexa. First you must have the Alexa App on your phone, and must be connected to the same network as your Alexa device. Open your Alexa app. Tap the More icon in the lower right corner. Tap Skills & Games. Tap the magnifying glass in the upper right…
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The only movie Theatre within a 60-mile radius of International Falls, Cine 5, announced plans to shut down due to a pipe issue following Tuesday, Feb. 28. The announcement came as multiple Facebook posts on Thursday. Owners stated that an ongoing pipe problem has prompted the closure. “Yes we are closing due to the pipe…
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Ashley Hall discusses what is new with Koochiching County Food Access.
The International Falls City Council met yesterday with a lengthy discussion regarding a letter request from Koochiching County board for Jail lease commitment.
CO Darrin Kittelson (International Falls #1) reports time was spent at Camp Ripley for the Enforcement Division?s annual awards and training program. The weekend was spent monitoring a variety of outdoor activities, including snowmobiling, ice fishing, skiing, shed hunting, and walking as the warm weather brought out lots of people. Enforcement action was taken for…
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