Category: News — KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI

Local Radio

City of Emily to Hold an Informational Meeting

The City of Emily will hold an informational meeting for the public on August 15 at Emily City Hall. The meeting, which will discuss the exploration of Emily’s manganese deposits, will be preceded by an open house from 2-6. The panel discussion meeting will be held from 6:30-9pm in the gymnasium. Several interested parties have…
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August 11, 2023 0

Brainerd Man Hospitalized After Being Struck by Vehicle

A Brainerd man was transported to a hospital in Onamia after he was struck by a vehicle while riding a bicycle. The crash happened on the afternoon of July 31st. The Minnesota State Patrol reported that William Pershing Potter attempted to cross a road and was hit by a vehicle driven by Elizabeth Ann Walczac.…
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August 11, 2023 0

Brake Failure to Blame for Crash

A possible brake failure may have been to blame for a truck crash last month outside of McGregor. In the afternoon of July 21, Minnesota State Patrol say that a pickup truck attempted to make a right turn and ended up going into a ditch, coming to rest on the driver’s side. The driver, 51-year-old…
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August 11, 2023 0

A Hill City Man has been Sentenced for the Murder of his Brother in Aitkin County.

A Hill City man has been sentenced for the murder of his brother in Aitkin County. The man, 49-year-old James Robert Hess, was found guilty in June of felony 2nd degree murder concerning William Hess. James Hess told investigators that he came home in October 2021 to find his brother on the roof, threatening him.…
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August 11, 2023 0

Brainerd City Council Members Agreed on a Name for the New City Snowplow

Brainerd City Council members agreed on a name for the new city snowplow. Plow Bunyan will replace Cousin Eddie, the dump/plow truck which was retired this year. 37 name choices were presented to residents in June. The top three vote-getters were presented to the council Monday night. Plow Bunyan was also the top vote-getter of…
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August 11, 2023 0

Some MNSure Medical Assistance Due but Have Reprive

Some MNSure Medical Assistance renewal forms were due July 31, but Minnesotans who were supposed to submit them by that deadline have a bit of a reprieve. The renewals are now not due until the end of August. The forms should be submitted as soon as possible anyway, along with any required documentation, to keep…
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August 11, 2023 0

67-Year-Old Aitkin Man Injured in Crash

A two-vehicle crash in Aitkin County Saturday morning left a 67-year-old Aitkin man injured.Sometime around 11am, the two vehicles were heading the same direction on Hwy 210. 21-year-old Tate Kuppich, also of Aitkin, was driving a pickup and made contact with the car driven by Gary Weston. Weston suffered no-life-threatening injuries and was not transported…
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August 11, 2023 0

DFL Rep. Dan Wolgamott Cited with Two DWI Misdemeanors

DFL Rep. Dan Wolgamott was cited with two DWI misdemeanors last month. The Kanabec County Attorney’s Office made the announcement Monday. The charges are for fourth degree driving while intoxicated and DWI-operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more. The July 7 arrest came after Wolgamott was witnessed drinking in…
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August 11, 2023 0

Bataan Memorial March Returns

Brainerd will hold the 26th annual Bataan Memorial March on September 9th. Registration will take place at 7am with a 9am start and a registration fee of $10 payable at that time. Registrants will receive a t-shirt on a first come, first served basis. The event is a 5k, half marathon, full marathon through Brainerd…
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July 28, 2023 0

Walleye Catch and Keep Size Dropping

The Mille Lacs Lake walleye catch and keep size has dropped from 21 inches to 20 inches. That criteria starts August 1st. Though the walleye limit is still set at one, the size for that one fish is now 20-23inches or over 28 inches long. The walleye available has grown a bit, not because the…
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July 28, 2023 0