Category: News

Local Radio

Body Recovered In Crookston

UPDATE 2:24pm: The Polk County Sheriff’s Office has recovered the body of a man from the Red Lake River. Law enforcement began searching the river in Crookston after reports of a vehicle driving off the road and going into the water. The initial call came in around 2:20 a.m. on Friday, October 13 for a…
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October 13, 2023 0

Ulen Hitterdal School Board Meets 

The Ulen-Hitterdal School Board held their regular school board meeting for the month of October on Wednesday night. One of the first agenda topics was talks regarding their insurance plan for the rest of the school year. Ulen-Hitterdal Superintendent Dustin Flaten highlights what was discussed regarding the insurance policy and other topics like enrollment and…
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October 13, 2023 0

FSA Report

County Executive Officer Nathan Peterson has this weeks FSA Report: Peterson reminds producers of upcoming deadlines and eligibility for LFD program. Fore more information contact your local FSA office or visit

October 13, 2023 0

Spring Lake Gets a Facelift

The Lengby Improvement Club has been hard at work this past summer making improvements to the Spring Lake Park. L.I.C Secretary Janet Arnold shares a little on the projects that have been going on in the area: Earlier in 2023 the L.I.C was struggling to continue to operate. Arnold put a call for help out…
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October 13, 2023 0

Ada-Borup-West FFA Fruit Fundraiser 

The Ada-Borup-West FFA chapter recently started their annual Fruit Fundraiser. Ada-Borup-West FFA advisor Abbie Savage has more details.  Savage says that this is one of their largest fundraisers of the year and the funds they raise from this fundraiser will be used in many different areas While it may be called a fruit fundraiser Savage…
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October 13, 2023 0

Emerald Ash Border Found in Cass County

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture says that they have confirmed emerald ash borer in Cass County for the first time. The MN Department of Agriculture says that it was discovered after a department employee noticed a cluster of ash trees near Remer with suspected signs of Emerald Ash Border. The employee was able to find…
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October 13, 2023 0

Escape Plans Help Your Family In Case Of Fire

As Fire Prevention Week continues, Ada Fire Chief Steve Petry says you can prepare for a fire by making an escape plan for your family. Petry says firefighters and emergency responders will have a different frame of mind if they know that everyone in your home is safe and accounted for.  

October 13, 2023 0

City Of Barnesville Raising Cable TV Rates

BARNESVILLE, MN—Within the next 30 days, Barnesville residents will be paying more for cable TV.  Barnesville City Administrator Jeremy Cossette says the increase was approved at Monday night’s City Council meeting. Cossette says the preferred cable TV package is still less than $100 per month.

October 13, 2023 0

Red Lake County Central High School Day of Caring

Red Lake County Central High School students will be volunteering next Wednesday, October 18 to help with fall clean-up projects in Brooks, Oklee and Plummer.  Among the jobs students can do are raking, washing windows, gardening, painting and changing storm windows.  Red Lake County Central will be taking requests through Monday, October 16.  You can…
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October 13, 2023 0

Buxton Residents Seeing Relief From Blocked Rail Crossings

The Buxton City Council met in regular session Wednesday. Mayor Travis Soderberg updated the council on the recent blockages at the two rail crossings in city limits. Soderberg informed the council that there have been no blockages reported since the last council meeting in September. Soderberg also mentioned that the issues seem to have been…
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October 13, 2023 0