Category: News

Local Radio

Hillsboro Education Field Trip

HILLSBORO, ND—Some Hillsboro students took a field trip to the University of North Dakota this week. Shelby Strand’s education class made the trip to learn about going into teaching.  Hillsboro Principal Terry Baesler says he’s glad to see students considering teaching. Baesler was speaking on the Hillsboro School News, which airs Tuesdays on KRJB 106.5…
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October 2, 2023 0

Hawley Elementary Gets Test Results

HAWLEY, MN—Hawley Elementary School recently learned how last year’s students did on statewide tests. Hawley Elementary Principal Chris Ellingson says it’s good news.

October 2, 2023 0

Winger Lions holding Vision Screening at Win-E-Mac School

The Winger Lions Club will be holding Vision Screening for all Win-E-Mac students on Monday, October 2 and Wednesday, October 4. The Winger Lions require a parent permission form for students to receive a screening. If you don’t have a permission form go to the Win-E-Mac School District website

September 30, 2023 0

Traill County exploring a change to court house visiting restrictions 

In their most recent meeting the Traill County Board of Commissioners opened discussions about reopening the Traill County Court House to visitors. Back in 2020 the board closed down the courthouse to visitors in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and decided to continue these restrictions in February of 2022 as a safety precaution.  Since these…
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September 30, 2023 0

St. Olaf Church Fall Dinner 

St. Olaf Church on Highway 29 between Twin Valley and Mahnomen will be holding their annual Fall Dinner on Sunday, October 1. Serving begins at 11:30 am and goes till 1:00 pm. The menu includes an assortment of Hotdishes, coleslaw, homemade bars and beverages. This is a free will donation meal.

September 29, 2023 0

Governor Burgum and Walz Order Flags be flown at half staff in memory of Feinstien 

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz have ordered that Minnesota and North Dakota Flags be flown at half staff in honor of Longtime California Senator Dianne Feinstein who passed away on Thursday at age 90.  Feinstein was the longest serving female United States Senator in history, and first took office back…
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September 29, 2023 0

Lee Lake Pumpkin Farm

In 2022 Eric Olson began his pumpkin patch just North of Fosston as an experiment.  Since then the experiment has grown into a community project. Eric shares how the pumpkin patch came to be: This year Lee Lake Pumpkin Farm has expanded beyond just pumpkins. Olson shares more here: Lee Lake Pumpkin Patch is located…
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September 29, 2023 0

Fosston High School Update

Superintendent Todd Selk was in studio to give an update for the Fosston High School. The school district is looking to fill a few positions within the building. Selk shares more: Selk touches on the Elementary After School Program and the happenings at Magelssen Elementary as well: Lastly, with Homecoming Week right around the corner…
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September 29, 2023 0

Fall Harvest Festival

The Bagley American Legion will be hosting a Fall Harvest Festival on September 30th. Pamela French shares details here: Aside from an array of vendors, the Fall Harvest Festival will have a wide variety of baked goods available. And the food options don’t stop there:

September 29, 2023 0

Rydell National Wildlife Refuge Extends Youth Hunt registration deadline 

The Rydell National Wildlife Refuge announced that they will be extending the registration deadline for their annual youth hunt that takes place on October 28 and 29. The original sign up day has already passed but now they will be accepting registrations till Friday, October 13. Refuge Manager Gregg Knutsen discusses the youth hunt and…
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September 29, 2023 0