Category: Wake the Lakes

Local Radio

Brainerd Public Schools Archives – Distinguished Achievement Hall of Fame

John Erickson, BPS Archivist/Curator and Alex Kuhn, committee member of the Distinguished Achievement Hall of Fame ceremony coming up, tell use about this years inductees. We also talk about “The Curt Hansen Memorial Homecoming Concert, Coming Home: How Can I Keep from Singing?” scheduled on September 30, 2023 at 7pm, at the Gichi-ziibi Center for…
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August 17, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZ-DUM” 8-17-23

–Boring news is a great indicator of a healthy society.–Cold coffee and warm beer are the same temperature.–The bigger someone’s favorite number gets, the weirder it is.–You can lie about a dream and everyone will believe you.–Theme parks are the only place that when you hear people scream you know that everything’s alright.–Kids who wouldn’t…
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August 17, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday”

Say goodbye to exhausting commutes and arriving sweaty to work. At least, that’s the deal for the lucky cyclist commuters of Trondheim, Norway, who get to ride a bike escalator up one of the town’s massive hills. Norway’s CycloCable jets bikers up an 18% incline at almost five feet per second. For reference: One of…
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August 16, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 8-15-23

Canadians have a reputation for being very nice people, so much so that even their criminals are nice. The owner of a bakery in Vancouver arrived at the shop in the morning to find that someone had broken in through the front door. She reviewed the surveillance footage and saw a man kick through the…
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August 15, 2023 0

17th Annual Lakes Bluegrass Festival 2023

Tim and Cindy Roggenkamp give us a preview of their 17th Annual Lakes Bluegrass Festival near Pine River, MN August 23-27, 2023.

August 15, 2023 0

WAVE Young Professionals Network 8-15-23

Kendra Johnson, Project Manager and Chair, Paul Augustinak debut a new Brainerd Lakes Area Chamber program for those under age 40 called the WAVE Young Professionals Network.

August 15, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Lifehacks for the Week” 8-14-23

The Most Effective Way to Remove Stubborn Stains From Plastic Patio Furniture:While outdoor furniture made of plastic is easier to keep clean than other materials, stains can still develop—especially from grass, grease, and dirt. Here are a few ways to get rid of them:–Dish soap: Add a few squirts of dishwashing liquid to a bucket…
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August 14, 2023 0

LoonFest 2023

Devon from SE’z Bar in Brainerd and concert organizer, Ron, update the Wake the Lakes Morning Show listeners about the 2nd Annual LoonFest coming up on August 18th, 2023.

August 14, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Weird and Wacky Wednesday” 8-9-23

Scientists climb cathedrals to collect space dust. Old churches preserve more than just architectural history: Their spired roofs are an untouched oasis of asteroid and comet particles, and two scientists are going all “Ghostbusters-mode” to gather samples. Equipped with harnesses and vacuum backpacks, Penny Wozniakiewicz and Matthias van Ginneken plan to scale cathedrals across the…
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August 9, 2023 0