Wake The Lakes Life Hack of the Week: “Life Hacks That’ll Make You Say, Huh, That Works???”
–Use mayonnaise to remove water stains in wood from cups and glasses. –Boil your pasta in a shallow frying pan. It takes less water and it cooks faster. –Rubbing alcohol works fairly well to get paint off of clothes. Rubbing alcohol is also great for removing ink pen stains in fabric. –Crayons are flammable and…
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Crosby-Ironton Schools at January 6th Community Connection
Crosby-Ironton Schools Superintendent Dr. Jamie Skjeveland returned to discuss the big debate of snow days and e-learning days and process along with it, Construction on Phase 4 this Summer, and Big Goals for the 2023 portion of the School Year:
Crow Wing County Sheriff Eric Klang 1-5-23
We “get to know” newly elected Crow Wing County Sheriff, Eric Klang, and his perspective on how he plans to lead and achieve necessary goals at the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s office.
Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”
–Because of the word, “indescribable” everything can be described. –Salt is the only rock that is socially acceptable to eat. –If you’re being chased by a serial killer, you’re both running for your life. –Earth is a wet rock that has been sitting for so long, stuff has started to grow on it. – A…
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Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Oral Hygiene Must Be Very Important to This Florida Man” and “MA High Court Overturns Verdict Over Errant Golf Balls”
Oral hygiene must be very important to this Florida man. Law enforcement in the Florida Keys, say 37-year-old Tracy Jay Mofield visited a Walgreens store in Marathon recently and walked out with about $1,300 worth of electric toothbrushes that he didn’t pay for. Shoppers and employees watched him walk out and then drive off in…
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Seven County Senior Federation on January 3rd Community Connection
Seven County Senior Federation Executive Director Lisa Krahn returned in the New Year to give us a heads up on her services coming to Shamrock Town Hall on February 7th and what she will also covering at that presentation, the beginning of Tax Services for clients and members, and deciphering the TV ads and mail…
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Wake The Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker for the Week”
A Florida man saved cops the trouble of taking his mugshot — by leaving his phone, complete with a smiling selfie, at the scene of an assault he committed. Jaihmereun Short and an accomplice allegedly lurked behind a trailer waiting for someone to cross their path, and wound up finding two men returning from a…
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