City of Aitkin Snow Removal with Street Department’s Lon Nicko

City of Aitkin Snow Removal with Street Department’s Lon Nicko

February 13, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (2/14/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — Snow removal operations for the City of Aitkin and staying up to date on latest ordinances in relation to parking have been spoken about frequently with the changing temperatures and recent snowfall.

Lon Nicko from the City of Aitkin Street Department provided much needed information in relation to when the City plows go out to move snow.

Even if snowfall is less than one inch, City crews monitor the situation by taking necessary measures to ensure safety on city streets.

Nicko also added that city businesses are still responsible for moving snow off sidewalks.

The City of Aitkin ordinance for sidewalk snow removal is also in effect.

Reminders were also given to take vehicles off the streets following any snowfall to allow for proper plowing.

Our full conversation with Lon Nicko and Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan is available with this story here: