City of Hillsboro Public Works Position Finalized, Pool Opening Not Quite There Yet

City of Hillsboro Public Works Position Finalized, Pool Opening Not Quite There Yet

June 4, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

A months-long process seems to have finally come to an end as the City of Hillsboro has selected its next Public Works Superintendent. During Monday’s commission meeting, the board approved the hiring of Sheena Schmeets of Grafton. Commission President, Levi Reese, says he’s pleased with the experience and attitude Schmeets will bring to the community.

The commission approved a starting salary of $75,000 for Schmeets, should she accept the position. Reese also gave an update on the city pool, and on former manager, Kathy Duval.

The commission approved the hiring of Duval for another season at $30/hour. There is no official opening date at this time pending cleaning and maintenance. The commission will look into various service groups/organizations, as well as their own public works staff, to help prepare the pool as quickly as possible.

Other approved action items included: the second and final reading of a storage container ordinance, just over $21,000 for boring projects, a renaissance zone application from Olsen’s Hardware, wage adjustments for two public works summer employees, and a series of special event permits and resolutions.

The commission also continued discussions on stray dogs and electrical upgrades. Reese mentioned that the city could purchase a used kennel for around $7,500. Commissioner Jason Pohlkamp informed the commission that one of the community’s main violators of dog ordinances left the state, so that should help the situation in the short term. On the electrical side, Commissioner Paul Geray informed the commission that based on discussions with Missouri River Energy Services, the city is nearing the peak of its load limit. There will be a rate study this fall as well. No additional formal action was taken on those discussions.

A resident also brought forth concerns on gravel roads on the south side of the city, specifically the corner from 6th St SW to 7th Ave SW. The commission deferred the concerns to the Hillsboro Township, as the road is maintained by the township. No other formal action was taken.

Reese reminds residents to make sure to keep all grass clippings from mowing off the city streets and to put sump pump hoses outside and not in the city sewer.

You can also view the full meeting here: Hillsboro City Commission Meeting – June 3, 2024 (