City of Twin Valley discusses annexation of land for Dollar General 

City of Twin Valley discusses annexation of land for Dollar General 

May 14, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

During their city council meeting on Monday night the Twin Valley City Council held a discussion about the potentially annexing land that Dollar General is looking to purchase to build a new store. Twin Valley Councilman Mark Askelson tells us more. 

Askelson says there was also a presentation done by Christina Lein who is looking to start a group with the goal of building up community pride. 

During the meeting there was also an update from Ulteig engineering on the Herold Court water and sewer project. Askelson recaps what was said

Finally during the Police Report Askelson says the council had lengthy discussions about blight properties and a future meeting regarding body cameras for the Twin Valley Police Department. 

The Twin Valley City Council will meet next for  a special meeting later this month at a date to be determined.