City of Twin Valley summer activities 

City of Twin Valley summer activities 

May 30, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Despite the belief of many, Minnesota small towns often have much to offer when it comes to activities, organizations, and events. R&J News is going to highlight what each of these individual towns have to offer throughout the summer starting with the City of Twin Valley. Twin Valley Community Club President Mark Askelson highlights some activities you can do in or around Twin Valley this summer. 

Askelson says there’s also a chance to take part in activities like ATV riding or horseback riding. 

Lastly Askelson tells us about some of his hidden gem activities including a new hiking trail that recently opened. 

For more information on activities in the City of Twin Valley reach out to Twin Valley City Hall at 218-584-5254.

Full interview with Mark Askelson: