Cold weather talks with Aitkin Superintendent Dan Stifter

Cold weather talks with Aitkin Superintendent Dan Stifter

January 17, 2022 ---School News - KKIN/KFGI/KLKS/WWWI News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (1/17/22)

(Aitkin, MN) — Predicting the weather for school districts to either hold school or not is a constant topic of conversation during the winter months, which does take a lot of consideration on multiple factors.

In our conversation we had recently with Aitkin Schools Superintendent Dan Stifter he did mention not only temperatures and conditions are important, but also scheduling.

Stifter and the Bus Garage are also in constant communication when the weather affects the arrival of students on time.

Ultimately, Stifter knows that this time of year has weather that can change.

Much more of our conversation with Aitkin Superintendent Dan Stifter is available here: