Cuyuna Food Shelf receives $1K from Fire, Police patch fundraiser; Down Syndrome Awareness patches available
By Paul Vold (3/23/22)
(Cuyuna, MN) — The Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association recently presented a check to the Cuyuna Range Food Shelf from the sale of “New Years Themed” Cuyuna Fire and Police Department Patches.
The fundraiser brought in a total of $1,029 with each patch selling for $10 a patch. A picture of the check presentation with members from Cuyuna Fire, Police, and Food Shelf can be found at
The month of March is “Down Syndrome Awareness” Month and Cuyuna Fire and Police are selling patches at $10 a piece to help Special Olympics at Crosby-Ironton High School.
To purchase a patch, email Cuyuna PD by emailing to reserve you patches. Once confirmed, then mail a self addressed and pre-postage (1 stamp per patch) envelope with either cash, check or money order (Check or Money Orders can be made out to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association).
The address to send the pre-postage envelope: Cuyuna Police Department, P.O. Box 536, Deerwood, MN 56444