Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association growing game in area

Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association growing game in area

May 1, 2022 News News -- KKIN-KFGI-KLKS-WWWI 0

By Paul Vold (5/2/22)

(Crosby, MN) — The recent rise in pickleball players of all ages has presented a great opportunity for the Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association to help grow the game and introduce the simple sport to all.

We chatted with Brad Miller and Nate Schultz about the sheer size of pickleball’s reach in the United States.

The easy to learn game has also reached others to convert so they can stay active while not over exerting themselves.

Since becoming incorporated in November 2021, the Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association has been working with the City of Ironton on making permanent courts accessible to players and members.

Sign-up in the Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association has major benefits beyond league play.

Learn more about the Cuyuna Lakes Pickleball Association by going to You can also hear our full conversation with Brad Miller and Nate Schultz by going to the Wake The Lakes page at